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Location: Camano Island, Washington, United States

I like cheesecake, horses, sparkly pretties, and painting. I dislike listening to people chew, stalkers, and a bunch of other things. My favorite color is red.


Artist Statement

Illustration Friday "Daring"

Illustration Friday "Reinvent"

Illustration Friday "Alone"

Sea Siren

Green-Eyed Lassie Fairy Painting

Illustration Friday "Bloom"

Butterfly Fairy Painting

Illustration Friday "Ancient"

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Friday, May 13, 2005
Where am I?
I haven't posted for forever and a day. I haven't painted in even longer. I'm having serious withdrawals. My private life has always been chaotic . . . Now it's just insane. I attribute it to softball, t-ball, volunteer work, puppies, horses, yard work, house work, faulty automobiles, commissioned paintings, business, and getting ready for my show. I still manage to save time for my friends and family, which is most important. I wonder if I'll ever be caught up? Did I mention that we're remodeling our home? It looks like a construction zone. Mostly because of me and my reorganization skills, or lacking there of. Oh yeah, and my husband keeps inviting more and MORE people over for the Memorial Day weekend. He's the insane one . . . After all the drama that came with the Holiday weekend LAST year. Did ya'll know he works full time and is going to school to finish his Business degree? But, I digress. Where am I again? Oh yeah . . . Painting. Haven't done much of that lately.

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