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Friday, March 18, 2016
A couple days ago I was sitting in the car waiting for Paul to finish up some business he had going on. While sitting there I decided to go through my mail which we had just picked up from the mailbox. I saw that my new health insurance information finally came after being many weeks late. I ripped open the envelope and grabbed the letter and started reading it immediately (still folded in three mind you) and I got past the first paragraph and literally took my finger to scroll up so I could read more. Instead of unfolding the paper . . . My finger went to SCROLL up. Time to step away from electronics . . . As I type this on my laptop.
Wednesday, March 09, 2016
Unclad Art 2016
So. I have been juggling a bit. Got engaged on Valentine's Day and now my fiancee actually expects me to like be a partner and help out on stuff. Ugh (insert whiny noise that only really annoying girls can make)

It's actually nice but don't tell him that. I like a distraction and it just makes me more determined to create more art. I have long distances to travel through beautiful country one way, and then a ferry commute the other way. I have a lot of thinking during this time which is helped out by podcast subscriptions. If you have a podcast recommendation please let me know. I LOVE humorous female podcast host.

I need to share with you that the Unclad Art show is this weekend and I hope to see you there. I have 2 pieces and for whatever reason THIS one never makes it into any of the advertisements? What? Why? Soooo confused. *why isn't there a sarcasm font yet?

Edmonds Yacht Club. Yo.

(The Joy of Cooking)