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Location: Camano Island, Washington, United States

I like cheesecake, horses, sparkly pretties, and painting. I dislike listening to people chew, stalkers, and a bunch of other things. My favorite color is red.

Holy Crap



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Easter 2009

Don't want to jinx it but . . .

HUGE Art by Shano SALE

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Wednesday, April 28, 2010
My cPanel
Beth of Finally inspired me to refind my cPanel (does that just sound dirty, or is it just me?) and see where my stats were coming from. (Okay, yeah. Um. DEFINITELY dirty.) If you ever lose your cPanel info with your hosting info (For you computer savvy people that DON'T have your minds in the gutter), you might as well go looking for the Easter Bunny. My computer(s) have crashed so many times that I had given up all hope, but this time, thanks to Beth I was determined. It's been one of those nagging little things driving me crazy.

And I feel badly. All these sites were showing the love, and I turned my unknowing back to them.

Starting now. Blogging more. Again. I saw the move "Julie & Julia" (gag). I AM A NEW PERSON.

(Yeah. We'll see how that goes.)

yay for more blogs. I was being patient even though there was facebook and twitter and all that.

11:35 AM  

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