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Location: Camano Island, Washington, United States

I like cheesecake, horses, sparkly pretties, and painting. I dislike listening to people chew, stalkers, and a bunch of other things. My favorite color is red.

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Monday, September 08, 2008
Starting September Off with a Bang
Well, my weekend certainly started out with a bang.

Friday morning woke up to the sound of puppy mews. (They mew. It is the sweetest noise known to mankind.) Fast forward to afternoon, and we have 10 puppies.

8 pm rolls around and it is official. My husband is on strike. (Boeing strike) And I love how this happens. My kids go to school for exactly one week, the hubby is off to work, and then BAM. Said hubby is home with me. Spending quality time together. Time where I would usually be sad, lonely and bored. Without a thing to do. Oh, it's SO good that he's here with me. Not bringing in any money.

So then Saturday when the alarm goes off, it's an hour and half drive to my daughter's soccer game where our girls had their asses handed to them by professional 11-year old players. Seriously. I think David Beckham was their coach.

After getting home I rode both my horses. My therapy for an already slammin' good weekend.

Sunday we spent all day picking rocks. Now there's a whole buncha hella fun. Why, it's one of the best things about owning a ranch. Each year rocks pop up from the horses making it unsightly, dangerous, and one less spot for a blade of grass to grow. And each year we get a couple truckloads of rocks to dump. See what I'm saying? Ranch work is high glam. I pick rocks in an evening gown sipping on champagne. It's THAT glamorous!

I'm off. The hair and make up people are here so I'd better get running.

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congrats on all the new family cute!!!

4:57 PM  

Ah the glamorous ranch life LOL Must be like the glamorous farm life out here on the Prairie :)

Love the pups, sorry about the hubby's job. Hope your week was a bit better in the stress department!

10:13 AM  

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