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I like cheesecake, horses, sparkly pretties, and painting. I dislike listening to people chew, stalkers, and a bunch of other things. My favorite color is red.

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Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Yeah, there's no way
I said I was going to blog more, and in my head I had a daily thing going on.

Not going to happen.

I'm a twitter sorta girl and keep it under 40 characters, Hello ADHD. But wait! I don't only twitter. I Tweetdeck. Which means that my twitters go out to FaceBook, MySpace, and Twitter . . . They could also go out to LinkedIn, but that would just be weird.

For me, a blog is like a crack-addict on crack. 40 characters at a time- How, when, and where do I stop? Do I stop? It's almost easier not to start.

I'm trying to balance painting, family, horses, dogs (my OTHER job), a social life, run (re-introduction into cardo since my treadmill bit the dust) and trying to find ME time which includes charity work, reading, oh . . . housework. Because God knows how much I ADORE housework ($%&*#*) AND COOKING! LET US NOT FORGET HOW MUCH I LOVE COOKING!! In other words, the plate runneth over. But, that's my personality to overachieve and then to not live up to my own expectations. (FAIL).

So hopefully this is a diving board into my life back into the blogging world. I hope so . . . But right now I'm getting ready for the the Mother's Day Tour (FOCUS. FOCUS)

And then on to the Portland show at Benjamin Benjamin's premier in Portland:

1720 NW Lovejoy # 102 Portland, OR 97209. Phone: 503.208.4236

Actually . . . My daughter has been running a fever for 5 days now. I am beside myself with worry. This blog distraction has been nice. Thank you Blogger.

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