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Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Land of 1000 emails
Today was one of those days where my ass never gets up from the puter. Ever heard of secretary's spread? I obtained it in 2 days.

So on the art front. New painting which will be part of a series at the AAUW show this weekend:

And then there's the puppy front:

and the OTHER puppy front:

Oh! And the drama with Rusty and Joey?! (Horse and dog, respectfully.) Turns out both of the owners before the owner that I bought these creatures from were emotionally harmed in some way by the previous owners to no fault of my own. The uncanniness of it all is that I found out about it on the SAME DAY. Legally, everything is dandy. But shitolordy, do I need this? Hella no.

When I began recalling the story to tell my husband, he's, "So basically you bought drama". Statement. Not question.

WTF? I buy drama by the pound? No! If I were to go into it, even I would get confused. Must. Visit. Distracting. Entertaining. Websites.


Great reading your bloog post

3:00 PM  

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