Friday, February 03, 2006
Painting isn't just for canvas any more
My husband likes to say that I've been a busy beaver (heh.) Here's what I have been busy with in between school committees, school newspaper editor, art shows, packaging orders, logo creations, and well, basically breathing and balancing that with life and thereof actually having one. Kitchen. I repainted the cupboards (They used to be dark brown but solid wood). I did the mosaic backsplash and counters by MYSELF. Yay me. (Which were underneath are the weirdest color of Formica yellow that only a hippy on a hella flashback could have thunk up.) A basket of eggs from our own little chickens sits on my mosaic tile counter. My own self portrait painting (heh) with Joey hangs in the kitchen. (aka "Big Dummy". He makes me want to yank out his 'nads with my bare hands sometimes. Intact male dogs can be such complete flippin' idiots. Unlike those of human form, of course.) The color of the sitting area outside of the kitchen in this photo is wrong. Very, vr wrong. I think the metallic wrap on the bistro table is throwing off the color. The floor is a yellow fir with three coats of brain-melting polyurethane which I applied myself. (It's all starting to make sense now, isn't it?) And let's just say that those cords aren't actually there- Even though I hooked up that there mo'fo phone line myself. Yeah, Verizon. $90 per line my ASS. The china hutch that I repainted. All of my favorite pretties are inside. Most are sparkly. Most are my art pieces that other companies have licensed and given as promos. See the pretty little espresso tinks? I love them. They are here. (You must know French. I do not. So if they're talkin' smack, let me know.) This china hutch was from two pieces given to me by two different families. Both were a hideous dark brown (vr vr 70's). I painted them a distressed yellow . . . Hard to tell but it has a slight metallic tint to it which throws off the camera's colors. And then of course the rest of the rooms. But I'm done sharing for today. |
Wow - you have been not just busy but effective!
it looks great!! It feels so good to finish those big projects - I just painted my room orange and I'm so happy with it!
that's a great space!! the vibrant colors are always my favorites...we had a yellow kitchen at our last place...I remember waking up the morning after we painted it and thinking OMG - it's so yellow...:)
Um yeah. When I see these photos the room(s) scream YELLOW. Really isn't not. Lovely Tuscany yellow/pale orange, butter yellow, gold, copper and then the orange of course . . . However, the countertop were OMG YELLOW before the renovation. I just have a really sucky camera. I think. Or maybe I just suck at operating a camera.
Wow, you were busy...great colours.