Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Clubbing Baby Seals
I realize that posting on my bl*g at this time of night is SO not a good thing. But it's been so crazy and chaotic that I really need to focus on what has been happening in my life. First, I would like to give a shout out to Autumn! Autumn, you ROCK! And no, Autumn is not a person, it is a season. Like as in Fall. I love fall. I like chilly weather, leaves changing color, the crisp clean smell in the air, and the overall NEWNESS of it all. They say spring is the beginning, but I don't really feel spring. Spring is moody, unpredictable, and temperamental. I like calm, breezy and colorful. Just like me *snort*.
So I have been spending much of my time at charities, parties, poker rides, soccer games, time in the studio, and at the computer. However, it seems as though a majority of it is cleaning up after 18 puppies and the amount of waste they can create in one day. Wanna hear more? I BETTA YA DO! I could go into full detail, but first I want to remind you of just how glamorous my ranch life is and to rub it in your face. I clean puppy poo in a full-length mink coat. Not only a mink coat, but I also have my baby seal fur jacket(That I clubbed myself) that I save for those extra poop days!
In fact, just tonight one of our chickens was injured and for the life of me, I couldn't find my equine antifungal, antiseptic spray. So I had to doctor said chicken in hydrogen peroxide and Athlete's foot spray. Our little hen smells quite fresh and lovely now and is free to roam barefoot in most communal gym lockers without fear of fungal contamination.
Okay, so yeah, it's been busy. Yeah, I'm still addicted to Facebook but haven't had any time to contribute or even keep tabs on what is being said by my so-called blackmailing friends, but the best thing EVAH?! My email box is completely empty for the first time in at least 6 years. And you know what? I can't wait for it to fill back up, but yet the sense of accomplishment is GRAND.
I also did this painting titled "Le Secret". It's French for "The Secret" for all you who couldn't figure that out. Love ya! xo's ~Shano
posted by Shano at
10:34 PM
I love your gorgeous smart ass! Truly. xoxoxoxoxoxo
that reminds me of a joke ,"so this baby harp seal walks into a club......"
i like
OMG. I just got that, Tony!
Yummy. French is sexy.
Keep clubbing those seals, and staying on facebook. xo
This was lovely, thanks for sharing