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Monday, July 31, 2006
Random Bits and Pieces . . . And I mean RANDOM
It is 4:30 a.m. and I am awake. God that sucks. So what better time to post in my bl*g? I mean it's been forever and some of you kind people are emailing me to see if I ever got home and/or found my missing bags. (Ya all are just too durn nice!)

So um, yes. Am home and it took me quite a few days to get caught up. Bags were waiting in Seattle for me on Sunday. Yay! In all fairness, America West really jacked me up when it came to traveling, but honestly, their customer service was superb so I can't be a hater.

Onto the randomness.

I am very excited about our new dishwasher. That works. It actually cleans the dishes. How can this not be vr vr exciting and all that is fabulous?

I do not do well when the weather flip flops. It was WARM here for so many days and then POOF. Cloudy and cold. It makes me very tired and very boring. I bore myself on flip floppy days.

So I watched movies. Watching movies is a rarity for me. I always feel like I'm cheating on my Tivo, which has been loyal and always there for me. Waiting. Watching. Beckoning me to view the TONS of stuff I have saved. How I can manage to feel guilty about not watching things I've Tivo'ed is beyond me. Admittedly, I am whacked. So anyway, I finally. FINALLY. Saw Walk the Line which I've been wanting to see forever. I grew up listening to Johnny Cash and we all know how much that poor Joaquin Phoenix has been pining for me. Fab, fab, fab movie. Our Mr. Pheonix is just too hot for the average human. HOT.


Then yesterday I watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with the kids. I LOVED THIS MOVIE. I love anything that Tim Burton does. Only he is not hot. At all. And I love how he uses Danny Elfman for everything . . . Did I ever tell you the time I got a backstage pass to the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Oingo Boingo concert? I didn't? Well, Danny Elfman was nice enough to sign my backstage pass. His manager was an overbearing loudmouth beeyatch, but Danny was very nice. Anyway, the movie was hella funny (crazy kooky and great dialog) and my kids liked it as well.

I am a magazine whore. Some how every magazine these last few weeks has had interviews with Kate Beckinsale. I love her. I want her to be my new best friend. That isn't weird, is it?

My husband has a thing for Pam on the Office. I prefer Jim.

Do not stick your finger in a fan while it's turned on. (hee. That sounds dirty.) It hurts and can rip off a good portion of your fingernail. Trust me on this one.

I still hate my hair.

My puter is starting to crash so I might as well end the randomness here. Buh bye.

Well, you are my idol for meeting Danny Elfman! And I think your hair looks fabulous.

6:42 PM  

ditto on Tim Burton, he's my hero...have you seen Corpse's Bride yet? good stuff...all these posts from you in such a short time...I'm impressed ;)

9:39 AM  

You and me babe! I danced in one of Danny's shows when I was real young to a song called Violent Love at the S.M. civic center. Did you know Danny lives in Topanga?

Please be nice to my girl Shano, I love to read your blog you are hilarious and I love everything you have to say!!! Yer wonderful plus i love your art too!

10:39 AM  

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